What kind of material is Kumon Japanese 3A?
Let's try to understand what you will learn in Kumon Japanese 3A.
Check the image of the Kumon Japanese 3A teaching materials
The Kumon Japanese 3A teaching materials are as follows.
The 'writing' questions start from 4A. And in 3A, there are questions on understanding the meaning of words and sentences and answering questions.
Until now, if you could read and write the characters, you could solve the printouts even if you did not understand the content that well. This was because the letters were written in the printouts, whether they were read or written.
However, in 3A, you are expected to understand the meaning. For example, in a question where you look at an illustration of a person sleeping and tick either 'sleeping' or 'walking', the correct answer is not marked with a thin tick. You need to look at the illustration and think for yourself and put a ◯ on the one that is correct.
Check the explanations of the Kumon formula
Next, check the explanations in the list of Kumon Japanese language materials.
Ensure that you can correctly copy the hiragana character forms. Expand your vocabulary by learning adjectives and verbs in addition to nouns. Practise reading sentences and reading out scenes and actions to further ensure content comprehension: learn to read hiragana sentences of around 70 characters with ease and with accurate understanding of each and every sentence.
Here, too, the focus should be on 'ensuring greater comprehension of content'. As well as continuing to learn vocabulary and reading and writing skills, 3A shows that the emphasis is on content comprehension.
How early in the year is the material studied?
Find out where 3A fits into the overall picture.
The target age for 3A is approximately four years old.
At 3A, the question of whether or not to learn English comes up. This is because 3A is the easiest material in Kumon English. However, whether to rely on Kumon for English or other English conversation classes is an area where families tend to differ in their policies. It may be a good idea to think about whether or not to learn English once you are approaching 3A.
What are the key points of attack?
The key thing to keep in mind when attacking 3A is that 3A is a 'comprehension' oriented material.
Recognition of letters, which began in 6A, and practice of writing, which began in 4A, were largely acquired through desk-based study. On the other hand, in terms of understanding things, you can also develop your skills in other aspects of daily life.
First of all, it is important to actively engage in daily conversation. Have lots of conversations, and try to make them as thought-provoking as possible. It may be more effective to increase the number of open questions with more choices, rather than closed questions with yes or no answers. It is also a good idea to gradually and easily mix questions into the reading story.